Visite à pied de 3 heures à Munich sur l’histoire du Troisième Reich
Hitler appelait Munich « die Haupstadt der Bewegung » (la capitale du mouvement), et la ville et ses environs furent au cœur de la montée au pouvoir du leader Nazi. Après sa destruction presque complète pendant les bombardements alliés de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Munich a certes été reconstruite et a retrouvé son ancienne gloire, mais les cicatrices subsistent. Pendant la visite, nos guides professionnels vous feront découvrir les traces du passé et les empreintes indélébiles de la domination nazie toujours visibles sur la ville aujourd'hui.
Lors de cette excursion de 3 heures, vous visiterez et en apprendrez plus sur Brienner Straße, le Führerbau, Karolinenplatz, la place des victimes du national-socialisme, Königsplatz, Sterneccurbräu, l'ancien siège de la Gestapo, Haus der Kunst, le Mémorial du mouvement de la résistance allemande et ses héros, les ruines des temples de l'honneur, l'ascension du national-socialisme en Allemagne, et le terme « Vergangenheitsbewältigung » (tourner la page sur le passé).
- Toutes les activités
- Guide local
- Guide professionnel
- Balade
- Repas et boissons
- Vous recevrez la confirmation au moment de la réservation
- Activité modérée de marche à pied

Mark Fischer did a fantastic job. He knows a lot his material and answers all the questions freely. I recommend this tour
Jake was Funny and knowledgeable. Even though it poured most of the tour, we enjoyed it very much. I would recommend.
A great insight into Munich and the third reich
How did Nazi misfits get started? Take this tour and walk historic paths to learn and muse on how it could all have been prevented with a stitch in time.
We did our tour on a cold December afternoon with Aileen. She was absolutely brilliant! Full description of the events and History of the rise of the third Reich, and visits to the main places when historical events took place. Definitely highly recommended and a great introduction to the later tour we did to Dachau.
Absolutely a must especially if you have Aileen as your guide. Fantastic and full of information. Aileen also had visual aids to let you see where youre standing and how it would have looked or to see Hitler in particular places.. really really great.
We were 7 minutes late due to traffic and construction. After calling the tour company they wouldn't try to connect us up with the rest of the group. We were read a scripted liability policy and told to book another tour.
EXCELLENT! Our guide spoke openly and was so well informed. As a former educator from Chicago he taught as he spoke and of course, being American, he was easy to understand!
This was a new tour listed and I chose it over the 'Hitler' tour as I thought I would get more of a rounded view as to the history of the time. And I was right! - our tour guide Tom was so informative and the background he gave as to how this phenomenon occurred was invaluable! We covered a lot of territory historically and physically and he kindly gave us a 'gelato break' time during our 3 hour tour. At the most famous Beer Keller for the Third Reich rallies we came upon a tea dance, which was a lovely surprise!! Tom was very good about getting to know something about our tour participants, who were from all over the world, and he suggested other areas to explore and places to eat. All in all, excellent experience and value for money.