Excursion non accompagnée à Stonehenge au départ de Londres
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Excursion non accompagnée à Stonehenge au départ de Londres
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Excursion non accompagnée à Stonehenge au départ de Londres

6 h
Confirmation instantanée
A propos de cette activités
En partant du centre de Londres (sans accompagnement) le matin ou l'après-midi, rendez-vous directement à Stonehenge pour une visite prolongée. Des audioguides sont disponibles en plusieurs langues.
Stonehenge : promenez-vous dans ce site mystique du patrimoine mondial et soyez captivé par la structure unique de cette pierre antique. Situés sur la plaine de Salisbury, les rochers de 40 tonnes sont seuls depuis leur placement mystérieux il y a 5 000 ans.
De nombreuses théories entourent Stonehenge : une roche astronomique selon certaines croyances, un temple religieux selon d'autres, ou encore un cimetière de l'âge du bronze. Décidez vous-même lors de votre apprentissage de l'histoire fascinante qui se cache derrière ce monument glorieux. Après Stonehenge, montez à bord de votre autocar pour votre voyage de retour à Londres.
Read more Voir moins
  • Guide audio inclus à Stonehenge en plusieurs langues
  • Transport de retour
  • Véhicule de luxe climatisé
Non inclus
  • Guider
  • Pourboires
  • Prise en charge et retour à l'hôtel
  • Nourriture et boissons
Autres informations
  • Vous recevrez la confirmation lors de la réservation.
  • La plupart des voyageurs peuvent participer
  • Pendant les périodes de pointe, des véhicules supplémentaires sans Wi-Fi peuvent être utilisés
  • Pour avoir lieu, cette expérience requiert un nombre minimum de voyageurs. Si elle est annulée parce que cette condition n'est pas remplie, on vous proposera une autre date ou le remboursement complet.
Oliver G
2 | 2019-07-30

We booked online and on our voucher it said that the tour would start at 1.15 and we had to be at the meeting point near Victoria station latest by 1 in order to get our tickets. We showed up at 12.45 only to learn that the tour was actually scheduled for 1.30. In the end the tour only it started at 2pm due to unknown reasons. We were left queuing outside the ticket office at 35 degrees C (London at record breaking temperatures in the week of 22 July). The organization at the departure point was so poor that we even had two people entering the bus who had booked a different tour, lucky them they realized this before the bus departed. Once we had arrived at Stonehenge, we got not clear instructions where to go or what to do. Golden Tours = never again. The place itself was absolutely amazing but take a different tour operator.

3 | 2018-11-21

If unsure don't do this. If you are like hey I have always wanted to see this do it. One huge issue I had is there was total confusion getting on the bus and despite being middle of the line we got directed in circles and ended up being last on bus. I wasn't able to sit by my wife or friend. It happens but my issue is the driver made a huge deal about how everyone had to sit in the same seats back. Like over two hour bus ride maybe let it be first come first serve on the way back why should the same people be separated from their group.

Linnea H
4 | 2018-01-13

The tour of stonehenge was great, the weather was perfect and clear out. I thought that the bus was going to have a person talking during the ride there, as other reviews had mentioned but ours did not so that was a little bit of a bummer. Overall it as a great experience though.

Edith A
5 | 2017-12-04

Great transportation. It was self guided, so all they did is provide transport, but the driver we had was great as a fill in guide. He didn't talk the entire way, as it's about 90 min to get to Stonehenge from London, but did give little anecdotes and info about certain towns we were hitting during the drive, not too mention that he had a great sense of humor. It was a nice,comfy ride. I would take it again.

G. Christopher L
5 | 2017-11-24

The weather was really breezy and cold on the day we went. However, the driver was fantastic and gave us a mini guided tour of the City of London as we were making our way to Stonehenge and back. Great ride. Lots of time to see Stonehenge, the souvenir shop, and the museum. I would say we had about 1 hour and 45 min. Worth the trip though, especially if you have always wanted to see the stones in person. We were also able to get the audio guided tour of Stonehenge as all the Tour Companies get priority to the phones for the guided tour.

5 | 2017-11-11

I loved this tour because it was such a no-nonsense tour. No frills. Driver took us over to Stonehenge, provided us the headsets, gave us instructions and then, took us back to the city. The ride was comfortable and the bus was equipped with a restroom. We had enough time at Stonehenge to walk around, take photos, get a bite to eat, buy souvenirs at the shop and make restroom stops. I highly recommend this tour to those who want to take a look at Stonehenge only.

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