Excursion au plateau ouest du Grand Canyon et au barrage Hoover avec option Skywalk, au départ de Las Vegas
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Vous quitterez Las Vegas pour profiter d'un arrêt photo d'environ 15 minutes au barrage Hoover sur la passerelle piétonne qui longe le nouveau pont de contournement du barrage. Vous traverserez ensuite l'ancienne forêt de yuccas pour vous diriger vers le plateau ouest du Grand Canyon. La route deviendra poussiéreuse et cahoteuse !
Une fois arrivés au plateau ouest, vous disposerez de 3 heures pour explorer le Grand Canyon à votre gré. À vous de décider combien de temps vous passerez à chacune des attractions suivantes.
Principales attractions :
• La passerelle spectaculaire du Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option est sélectionnée) où vous pouvez vous approcher du bord du Canyon en empruntant un couloir en verre
• Village indien Eagle Point, pour découvrir l'histoire et la culture des Indiens d'Amérique, avec habitations reconstituées et spectacles de danse traditionnelle
• Spectacle Hualapai Ranch Wild West
• Déjeuner chaud au Guano Point, Cowboy Cookout ou Skywalk Cafe (options végétariennes disponibles)
• Vues spectaculaires sur le fleuve Colorado à Guano Point et vues panoramiques sur le Grand Canyon depuis Eagle Point
• Navette gratuite Grand Canyon West Express
Le temps de trajet entre Las Vegas et le Grand Canyon est d'environ trois heures dans chaque sens. Votre chauffeur vous fera un commentaire professionnel en chemin et vous reconduira à Las Vegas à temps pour une virée nocturne. Les autocars sont climatisés et équipés de toilettes, de sièges inclinables, d'écrans vidéo et de grandes fenêtres.
Surclassement formule combinée hélicoptère/bateau :
Pourquoi ne pas compléter votre expérience au Grand Canyon avec un vol à sensations fortes en hélicoptère jusqu'au fond du Grand Canyon ? Vous descendrez de 4 000 pieds (plus de 1 200 mètres) jusqu'au fond du Canyon, où vous embarquerez à bord d'un bateau pour une excursion d'environ 15 minutes sur le Colorado. Avancez-vous sur la passerelle du Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option est sélectionnée) et profitez de la vue panoramique.
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Une fois arrivés au plateau ouest, vous disposerez de 3 heures pour explorer le Grand Canyon à votre gré. À vous de décider combien de temps vous passerez à chacune des attractions suivantes.
Principales attractions :
• La passerelle spectaculaire du Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option est sélectionnée) où vous pouvez vous approcher du bord du Canyon en empruntant un couloir en verre
• Village indien Eagle Point, pour découvrir l'histoire et la culture des Indiens d'Amérique, avec habitations reconstituées et spectacles de danse traditionnelle
• Spectacle Hualapai Ranch Wild West
• Déjeuner chaud au Guano Point, Cowboy Cookout ou Skywalk Cafe (options végétariennes disponibles)
• Vues spectaculaires sur le fleuve Colorado à Guano Point et vues panoramiques sur le Grand Canyon depuis Eagle Point
• Navette gratuite Grand Canyon West Express
Le temps de trajet entre Las Vegas et le Grand Canyon est d'environ trois heures dans chaque sens. Votre chauffeur vous fera un commentaire professionnel en chemin et vous reconduira à Las Vegas à temps pour une virée nocturne. Les autocars sont climatisés et équipés de toilettes, de sièges inclinables, d'écrans vidéo et de grandes fenêtres.
Surclassement formule combinée hélicoptère/bateau :
Pourquoi ne pas compléter votre expérience au Grand Canyon avec un vol à sensations fortes en hélicoptère jusqu'au fond du Grand Canyon ? Vous descendrez de 4 000 pieds (plus de 1 200 mètres) jusqu'au fond du Canyon, où vous embarquerez à bord d'un bateau pour une excursion d'environ 15 minutes sur le Colorado. Avancez-vous sur la passerelle du Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option est sélectionnée) et profitez de la vue panoramique.
- Transport aller-retour en autocar climatisé
- Arrêt photo de 15 minutes du barrage Hoover à partir du passage piétonnier
- Déjeuner
- Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option est sélectionnée)
- Hélicoptère et bateau fluvial de 15 minutes (si l'option est sélectionnée)
- Prise en charge et retour à l'hôtel
- Toutes taxes et frais
- Entrée - Grand Canyon West
- Entrée - Hoover Dam Bypass
Non inclus
- Pourboires
- Skywalk du Grand Canyon (si l'option n'est pas sélectionnée)
- Hélicoptère et bateau fluvial de 15 minutes (si l'option n'est pas sélectionnée)
Autres informations
- Vous recevrez la confirmation lors de la réservation.
- Les nourrissons de 23 mois et moins sont considérés comme un enfant de moins-value. Si le billet Skywalk est acheté, les bébés doivent être transportés sur le Skywalk.
- Les enfants âgés de 2 ans et plus ont besoin d'un siège
- Le tarif adulte s'applique à tous les passagers.
- Si vous n'avez pas sélectionné les surclassements d'hélicoptère et de bateau, veuillez entrer N / A dans le champ de poids.
- Des fauteuils roulants pliants peuvent être installés à condition que le passager soit accompagné de quelqu'un qui puisse l’aider à monter dans le bus et à en descendre.
- Les bus équipés d'un ascenseur sont basés sur la disponibilité et peuvent ne pas être disponibles. Si un bus équipé d'un ascenseur est nécessaire, un préavis de trois jours est requis et vous devez contacter le tour-opérateur local immédiatement après la réservation pour confirmer votre demande.
- Les autocars sont climatisés et équipés de toilettes (pour les urgences), de sièges inclinables, de moniteurs vidéo et de fenêtres surdimensionnées
- Il peut y avoir des périodes d’attente en tout point ou attraction en raison des conditions météorologiques ou du nombre de passagers
- Aucun objet personnel tel que téléphones portables, appareils photo, sacs à dos et sacs à main n'est autorisé sur le Skywalk; casiers gratuits sont disponibles pour le stockage
- La collecte à l'hôtel est disponible pour cette visite / activité. En fonction de l'hôtel, les bus peuvent ne pas être en mesure d'accéder à chaque propriété ou de s'y rendre. Dans ce cas, le ramassage peut être redirigé vers un arrêt de bus central ou un hôtel à proximité. Les détails exacts de la prise en charge seront fournis à l'invité lors de la reconfirmation avec l'organisateur de voyages local.
- Une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite de 30 minutes est disponible, vous pouvez acheter du temps supplémentaire directement auprès de l'opérateur local.
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Sights were good However there was no water beverages or snacks provided as stated in brochre There were 2 stops provided where stores were so crowded nothing could be purchaced
Everything about this tour was great! Our driver was wonderful. He pointed out interesting sites on the way and gave us alot of interesting information. The length of time we were at the Grand Canyon was more than adequate. We did the skywalk which was an awesome experience. We were picked up right on time at a close location to our hotel and dropped off at the same location. Great tour and would definitely book through Viator again.
I really enjoyed the West rim tour except when the bus broke down for an hour. But everything went fine after we received another bus. The senary was beautiful.
What made this trip worthwhile was the helicopter and boat ride. They had that wow factor. The bus was bit cramped, they could certainly allow more legroom for passengers. The meal was close to worthless and I purchased my own food at the West Rim. As I have found out, the South Rim is supposedly far nicer than the West Rim. My next visit to the GC will certainly be the South Rim. Still, if you never had seen GC like me, then the West Rim is still impressive. In my opinion, if you are not going to get the helicopter and boat ride option, you may want to consider taking the South Rim (which is more popular with the same tour company).
Great!! Listen to the guide and follow his suggestions. Take a bottle of water on the helicopter/boat experience. You may need it to climb the steps back up to the helicopter after the boat ride. They will have cold water in a container for you, once you get back to the helicopter area.
Overall the trip was great, the views of the Canyon were simply breathtaking and plenty of opportunity to take lots of amazing photographs. The Skywalk was awesome - very strange being 4000ft above the Canyon looking down. What let that down was the initial lack of photographers on the walkway and we had to queue for ages. They take 20 photos - we weren’t told that and when we got to view them some were missing which was disappointing for some of the party who wanted individual shots. It’s worth climbing the rocks at Guano Point - you get a 360 degree view and it is incredible. Eagle Point is great too. The lunch provided was tasty and plenty of room to sit, eat and take in the scenery. Part of the trip was the Hulapei Ranch - very Wild West but a little bland, more could be made of this. The stop off at Hoover Dam was great - again another good opportunity for some great photos. The start of the day at the Grayline depot was a bit tedious - had to wait ages before we set off, it felt like an opportunity for Grayline to sell their food and drink, perhaps longer could be spent on the trip itself? Overall though an excellent day out and well worth it for the views of the Canyon alone.
I’ve been to the south rim before so I thought I’d try the west. Cons are far less viewing areas and you can’t take pictures while on the skywalk. Pros are the hiking area at Guano. I felt like I was on top of eh Canyon and the view was spectacular. Lunch was actually pretty good. Ate at Guano and had what tasted like home mad pulled pork, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, side salad and a cookie. Bus ride was fine, if a little chilly by the window. Hoover Dam stop was a disappointment. Thought we’d be on the road at the dam. Instead we were at a bypass highway quite far away. Had 20 minutes to walk out to a good spot, snap some pics from afar and jump back on the bus.
We were at a conference and had a free day in Vegas and were looking for something to do. This tour was the perfect option to take up a full day - like 12+ hours. We started at the pickup point at around 6 am and returned back at around 6 pm. It is well organized and the buses are comfortable. The drive to the Hoover Dam is an hour or so. We got there before the crowds so that was nice to get a chance to walk on the newer bridge when it was wasn’t crazy crowded. We had 30-45 min or so to check it out and take some pics. It was then on to the Canyon (maybe 2 hours). At the Canyon there is a check-in center and shuttle buses that move you between 3 venues. The first has the glass bottom walkway out over the canyon (extra cost) and helicopter
The formation of rock and art work of the Grand canyon by nature must makes it a must to see place on earth
The tour to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon was very enjoyable. Only issue was that someone on the tour decided they didn't have to return at the specified time and we sat there on the bus for over an hour and waited. After a very enjoyable day this was very frustrating.
Bus driver was very good. West rim was beautiful. We had the "barbeque lunch" which was a chicken breast, 2 rolls and a salad. About a half hour after we sat down to eat, people started coming from the line with chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, rolls and salad. If they weren't ready with all the food they should not have started serving.
I enjoyed the actual bus trip and the driver. The only way I was aware that the bus may pick up at another hotel is because I read some reviews before booking. I called the day before to see pick up location and time. The pickup time was 1.5 hours before the time indicated they in the confirmation and the hotel was different then mine. Fortunately it as only across the street. If I had not checked them we would have missed it. But the tour it self was good.
Walking on the Skywalk offered an amazing view directly above the canyon floor. Observers can stand on the glass skywalk and look down at the bottom of the canyon. You will be required to wear protective sleeves over your shoes when walking on the bridge. You will have to go through a metal detector to prevent visitors from bringing foreign objects onto the skywalk. Phones, cameras, keys, coins, and any other metal objects are prohibited. I recommend that your hats are left in the provided lockers to prevent them from blowing off into the canyon. I did witness a gentleman lose his hat when a gust of wind came along. There are several stops along the route and the reservation offers a free shuttle between stops.
We booked the regular bus tour but had the opportunity to upgrade to luxury tour at the last minute so we jumped at the chance. It was worth every penny! You will pat yourself on the back at the end of the day for choosing the upgrade. It's well worth it.
A great tour covering everything you’d like to see. Well organised great driver with extra tips for a great day, thanks Felix
We truly enjoyed this trip. The stop at the Hoover Dam was just long enough for photos, which is all we really wanted from the stop. The drive was pleasant, but I didn't really enjoy the recording that was played as we made the drive. My in-laws were unable to hear it. The Grand Canyon was incredible in person, and the Skywalk was beyond breathtaking. I'm terrified of heights, but it was so worthwhile to step out onto the bridge. One major problem - you can't take your camera and the only pictures are those that the Native American tribe that owns the skywalk provides. It wouldn't have been an issue except they only had two photographers at the time we arrived, so it took a very long time to stand in line and get the pictures taken, which then cut into our time at the other stops at the West Rim. We loved the pictures, though, so it was worth it in the end. We all loved the experience and would highly recommend it.
This tour to the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam was fantastic. It was well organised with a great driver who was knowledgeable gave us as much time as possible at each stop. I would highly recommend it as it is well worth the money. It was our first time to the Canyon and it was stunning, many thanks to all that made it possible
We had a great time on this trip! It was well organized, very professional staff at Grayline. Out busdriver Thomas was phenomenal and super courteous!!!!
loved every minute of the tour from time we eventually got on the road....only issue is that after being collected from hotel we were brought to their offices in an attempt to get us to trade up the tour. bit like timeshare...was unnecessary waste of time but once on the road it was fantastic trip....we did western rim with sky walk and really enjoyed it...driver was very informative and lunch was great
All parts of the tour managed by Grey Line, from hotel pick up, information provided at central terminal, bus trip, driver etc with return to hotel by stated time were excellent and better than expected! Plenty time given for photos at Hoover Dam with comfort stop on return journey. Amazing views at the west rim at Grand Canyon with plenty time at 3 locations. Reason for 4 stars instead of 5 due to limited customer service at Indian reservation, exception to this was the “cowboy” on site who interacted really well with tourists!
fantastic trip, long day but worth it. goes by pretty quick, skywalk at eagle point was awesome. Lunch at the ranch was fantastic!
We really enjoyed this tour. Transfers from various hotels around Vegas to a central meeting point was well organised and efficient. Our driver/tour guide for the day was Lafayette, he was excellent. A great driver and he also had a wealth of knowledge on the various attractions or locations we visited. Time at the West Rim for us was ample (we only included the Skywalk), however for those who added on the optional Helicopter and Boat Tours it would have been a little rushed. Food provided for lunch by the Hualapai Nation Ranch was good. Overall a great day and would definitely recommend!!
We really enjoyed this tour! We had Felix who was great! Bus had restroom on it if need and TVs. Seats recline as well. You travel approx 45 minutes to the Hoover Dam where you get 20 minutes (don’t worry, that’s enough time). Then you get back on the bus for a 2 hour ride to the Grand Canyon. Once you get to the GC, you are taken to a central station with facilities, food and gift shop. You had 3 hours to do as you wish, which was nice. There are shuttle buses that run every 10 minutes (sometimes quicker). There are 3 stops - stop with the Skywalk, stop with the ranch, and another stop that has great views of the canyon. The shuttle ride is approx 7-8 minutes to each stop. If you do the skywalk, you can’t take anything in there with you, there’s a choice to get in the line with a photographer to go with you to take your photos or a line if you don’t want your photo alien. Photos are $16 each or all the pics on a USB for $65. Once you get back on the bus, you travel 1 hour 15 minutes to a rest stop then continue on to Vegas. We had a great time! Liked how we had time to nap on the way there and on the way back!
The trip was very pleasant very organized our driver was very informative of all the history from the Hoover Dam to the Grand Canyon. We did the Skywalk but it was a shame only half the rim can be walk the other halve is for business, we were not informed about that. Our lunch was included with the trip, it was terrible, other than that it was a magical trip .
This is a great option if you do not want to be all day on a Bus! The driver was great, quick stop at Hoover Dam for pictures, 4 hours in the Sky walk and West Rim of the Canyon. Food was okay.
What an amazing place to see. The day trip was excellent value for money and the lunch time meal was delicious.
Let's start with booking, they don't have good communication after booking the trip. If I wouldn't have called on my own then we wouldn't have know to be downstairs in a different hotel at 5:45 am. The confirmation email and website says 7:30. Then it didn't say my hotel isn't a pick up location. I just happened to call on my own to figure out pick up spot. That's when I was told details. Of course this is Vegas so we were offered an upgrade and they said the first 8 people get their own personal driver in a smaller personal van. Get back quicker and everything. Perfect so we jumped and said yes. Next thing we know were sitting shoulder to shoulder with 4 people on a very small bench seat for 2 1/2 hours and there are 13 people on this bus instead of 8. Money talks right. And no sun shades on the bus to block the sun during that long ride. Besides that, the overall trip was gorgeous. Views are breath taking, you get to explore on your own for several hours, the free lunch isn't anything special either but it will put something in your stomach. Everyone we talked to was super nice though.
I went on this tour because my husband wanted to. I didn't really want to go, but we both thoroughly enjoyed It! Thomas was an awesome guide, very funny and knowledgeable. Loved him!! I would definitely recommend this tour!
We traveled from Northern Ireland and this was one of the highlights of our holiday. Our driver on the day Dwayne was a font of knowledge and had a great way of getting information to us all. Dwayne has a great sense of humour. The tour was good value for money with a good snack at the end of the visit. I would diffently recommend Viator.
Great Tour, nice/ courteous driver. Five stars from us. Comfortable bus, and good food. Highly recommended.
So, let me begin with the good stuff, The itinerary was awesome. Started out by being picked up from our hotel, and taken to the main office where food and beverages were provided. While we were there, we were given the opportunity to upgrade our transportation which we took advantage of being able to spend more time at the locations, smaller group, and "More comfortable transportation" (Hold that thought.) On our way to our first destination (Hoover Dam), we noticed that the air conditioner on the Mercedes (VIP) van was not working properly. There was some air, but it was a cool morning and it really wasn't that bad at that time. After Hoover Dam, we went around the bend, and we went to a picture spot where we got some awesome views of Lake Mead. During this time, one person out of 13 complained to the driver that it was too hot in the van and what are they going to do about. Well, the driver called up the main office to advise them of the situation, and possible solution. They recommended that we wait there until a replacement vehicle can pick us up and take us to our next destination, the wait time was a minimum of two hours!!! Well, we all immediately took a vote, and everyone except the one, decided to continue on our journey and we proceeded to our next destination. Our next destination was Joshua Tree Park, we just took a few pictures and then to our next destination. Once we got on board, (apparently the one person complained again) the driver informed us that while we are at the Grand Canyon, he is going to meet up with his coworker, and switch vans in order to resolve the AC issue. We were all OK with that idea, we had four hours to the Grand Canyon, and it was a great plan! Here we go!! Four hours past, and the driver arrived on time. Upon boarding the van, I immediately noticed that this vans seating configuration was different than the other van. I also noticed it was NOT the same size, and less seats. (You can already tell where I am going with this.) It was AWFUL!! The seats were narrower, there wasn't enough seats for all of us, I felt like I was in a can of sardines. Needless to see, everybody was miserable. There was much more legroom and seat width on the regular bus, than on this VIP bus. To top it off, the AC on this one was the same! So attitude were flaring, and I just couldnt wait to get back to the hotel. VIATOR FIX THIS MESS. I have used your service all over Europe and US. I am hesitate the next time you offer an VIP upgrade.
We saw everything we expected to see on this trip and loved the views! Good trip, nice to have a smaller group, even though a couple of people delayed the departure to and back from the trip.It's too bad some people don't try to be punctual and courteous to the group they are with. We left 15 min. late due to their seat confusion and left the canyon late due to their tardiness. Sad!
It was a photo opportunity only at the Hoover Dam from the memorial bridge walkway. You need to climb 70+ steps or use the ramp. We were allowed 20 minutes for the round trip. The West Rim is on a Native American reservation. There are no guard rails at the edge of the canyon if you are concerned for little ones or people that are unsteady in balance. We did not go on the optional skywalk, it is an extra fee AND you are not allowed to take a camera or phone onto the skywalk. If you take this tour make SURE to understand what time you need to be back to the bus, there are different time zones involved and our driver mistakenly told our bus to be back 1 hour before our departure. Some people did not get to see all attractions because of this oversite. If you want to see the canyon in natural splendor with no distractions this is not your tour, there are many helicopters taking off and landing. The Native Americans run everything once you are at the canyon. They have a very nice souvenir store and we were served a very nice meal by them as part of the package. It was a nice trip that was around 12 hours from the hotel and back,There are bus changes, and standing in lines, that intrudes heavily on sightseeing opportunities. There is also quite a bit of road time, in a setting that is nothing like where we live so that part was enjoyable for us, but does much to limit your time at the destinations.
Very disappointed with the Grayline experience. Bus was 25 minutes late in pick up--had to call Grayline to see where they were, no communication from them. Then only to be bussed to a central location where we had to listen to sales pitches for add on services and then to wait to get on another bus (which ran out of room and they had to get a second bus--don't you know how many people you booked???) so that added an hour plus before we were actually on our way. The west rim itself was beautiful and the three stops within the Indian Reservation was good--each location was beautiful and the flexibility to spend as much time as you wanted at each one was wonderful. The trip back was not as bad, but again, we stopped at one hotel and were told to get on another bus. As I said earlier, the destination was outstanding--getting there and back was a terrible experience.
Nothing exceptional about this tour. Got there and back safely, which is the most important factor. Bus driver, while trying to be entertaining, became annoying after a while. Grand Canyon Skywalk was amazing, however. Lunch was good. Just an average tour.
Great day out at the grand canyon with stop at Hoover Dam, lunch was ok, coach driver thomas was brilliant..made the day
The trip to the grand canyon was good. We went at the wrong time of year. It was too cold to really enjoy it. The skywalk is amazing. The trip from Vegas on the bus seemed to take forever, and we were left wondering if it may have been better to just explore the strip for the cost and time the excursion took. Would be a lot of fun with older kids.