Randonnée d'une journée à Cinque Terre au départ de Florence
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Arrêt à: Cinque Terre Trails, Riomaggiore to Monterroso Italie
Ces anciens sentiers sont difficiles, mais supportables. Soyez prêt pour la randonnée - bien que le chemin soit ouvert à tous, n'oubliez pas que le sol peut être glissant, inégal, escarpé et étroit par endroits. Le charme de la région réside dans son côté naturel et préservé : n'espérez pas de rampes ou de rails de sécurité lorsque les marches sont abruptes ou le chemin proche du bord. En raison de la nature de la randonnée, nous ne pouvons pas accepter les petits enfants ou toute personne ayant des difficultés à marcher.
Durée: 8 heures
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Riomaggiore, Riomaggiore Italie
À Riomaggiore, il y a plusieurs siècles, les insolites grandes maisons colorées que sont les tours génoises alignées et reliées par des ruelles, des passages voûtés et des escaliers permettaient de se protéger contre les pirates.
Les couleurs des maisons sont réglementées par la commune. Vous ne pouvez pas les peindre de la couleur de votre choix !
Les maisons ont deux entrées, une à l'avant et une à l'arrière sur la rue plus élevée, pour qu'en cas d'attaque de pirates, les habitants puissent s'échapper.
À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, le train est arrivé le long de la côte et Riomaggiore, ainsi que les autres villes des Cinque Terre sont sorties de leur isolement historique, même si aucune route ne les reliait jusqu'aux années 1970.
Les villages étaient tellement coupés les uns des autres que les habitants parlaient des dialectes différents de la même langue.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Manarola, Manarola Italie
Construite dans la vallée du torrent Groppo, jusqu'en 1950, le ruisseau qui traverse la ville était complètement découvert et 11 ponts de pierre permettaient aux habitants de passer d'un côté à l'autre. Dans les 30 années qui ont suivi, le ruisseau a été progressivement recouvert.
L'ancien village a été détruit par des pirates sarrasins (en 849) et les survivants se sont enfuis à l'intérieur des terres pour survivre. Lorsque les mers furent à nouveau sûres au XIe siècle, les habitants sont revenus s'installer ici sous la protection de la République de Gênes.
Au XIIIe siècle, la culture des vignes n'était pas parfaite, mais le vin produit était recherché. La construction de l'église San Lorenzo a commencé en 1338. Le saint patron est célébré le 10 août avec une procession dans les rues avec une statue.
Le château qui protégeait la ville des pirates est aujourd'hui une résidence privée, vous pouvez voir le jardin depuis la promenade panoramique. Il se trouve sur le rocher au-dessus du port.
Manarola est désormais célèbre pour sa crèche de Noël qui est la plus grande du monde. Les personnages recouvrent la colline avec des milliers de lumières. Une scène de Pâques a également été créée.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Corniglia, Corniglia Italie
Au milieu des Cinque Terre, Corniglia est la plus petite ville et se trouve à 90 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer.
Le nom provient de l'immense rocher sur lequel le village se trouve. Seules 200 personnes y habitent.
L'église San Pietro date du XIVe siècle et se trouve sur le site d'une chapelle du XIe siècle. La fête San Pietro a lieu le 29 juin et une procession est organisée dans les rues de la ville. Une tarte salée préparée avec du riz, des œufs et du fromage est partagée entre les personnes qui participent à la procession.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: 19018 Vernazza Italie
Vernazza est unique dans les Cinque Terre grâce au petit port qui a été construit pour permettre aux bateaux de jeter l'ancre dans la baie protégée. Il était déjà un village fortifié et une base de la marine dans les premiers documents datant du XIe siècle. Aujourd'hui, vous trouvez encore des traces des défenses militaires construites par les Génois au XIIIe siècle, des vieux murs, des remparts et une tour de garde.
Durée: 1 heure
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Ceci est un itinéraire typique pour ce produit
Arrêt à: Cinque Terre Trails, Riomaggiore to Monterroso Italie
Ces anciens sentiers sont difficiles, mais supportables. Soyez prêt pour la randonnée - bien que le chemin soit ouvert à tous, n'oubliez pas que le sol peut être glissant, inégal, escarpé et étroit par endroits. Le charme de la région réside dans son côté naturel et préservé : n'espérez pas de rampes ou de rails de sécurité lorsque les marches sont abruptes ou le chemin proche du bord. En raison de la nature de la randonnée, nous ne pouvons pas accepter les petits enfants ou toute personne ayant des difficultés à marcher.
Durée: 8 heures
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Riomaggiore, Riomaggiore Italie
À Riomaggiore, il y a plusieurs siècles, les insolites grandes maisons colorées que sont les tours génoises alignées et reliées par des ruelles, des passages voûtés et des escaliers permettaient de se protéger contre les pirates.
Les couleurs des maisons sont réglementées par la commune. Vous ne pouvez pas les peindre de la couleur de votre choix !
Les maisons ont deux entrées, une à l'avant et une à l'arrière sur la rue plus élevée, pour qu'en cas d'attaque de pirates, les habitants puissent s'échapper.
À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, le train est arrivé le long de la côte et Riomaggiore, ainsi que les autres villes des Cinque Terre sont sorties de leur isolement historique, même si aucune route ne les reliait jusqu'aux années 1970.
Les villages étaient tellement coupés les uns des autres que les habitants parlaient des dialectes différents de la même langue.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Manarola, Manarola Italie
Construite dans la vallée du torrent Groppo, jusqu'en 1950, le ruisseau qui traverse la ville était complètement découvert et 11 ponts de pierre permettaient aux habitants de passer d'un côté à l'autre. Dans les 30 années qui ont suivi, le ruisseau a été progressivement recouvert.
L'ancien village a été détruit par des pirates sarrasins (en 849) et les survivants se sont enfuis à l'intérieur des terres pour survivre. Lorsque les mers furent à nouveau sûres au XIe siècle, les habitants sont revenus s'installer ici sous la protection de la République de Gênes.
Au XIIIe siècle, la culture des vignes n'était pas parfaite, mais le vin produit était recherché. La construction de l'église San Lorenzo a commencé en 1338. Le saint patron est célébré le 10 août avec une procession dans les rues avec une statue.
Le château qui protégeait la ville des pirates est aujourd'hui une résidence privée, vous pouvez voir le jardin depuis la promenade panoramique. Il se trouve sur le rocher au-dessus du port.
Manarola est désormais célèbre pour sa crèche de Noël qui est la plus grande du monde. Les personnages recouvrent la colline avec des milliers de lumières. Une scène de Pâques a également été créée.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: Borgo Storico di Corniglia, Corniglia Italie
Au milieu des Cinque Terre, Corniglia est la plus petite ville et se trouve à 90 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer.
Le nom provient de l'immense rocher sur lequel le village se trouve. Seules 200 personnes y habitent.
L'église San Pietro date du XIVe siècle et se trouve sur le site d'une chapelle du XIe siècle. La fête San Pietro a lieu le 29 juin et une procession est organisée dans les rues de la ville. Une tarte salée préparée avec du riz, des œufs et du fromage est partagée entre les personnes qui participent à la procession.
Durée: 1 heure
Arrêt à: 19018 Vernazza Italie
Vernazza est unique dans les Cinque Terre grâce au petit port qui a été construit pour permettre aux bateaux de jeter l'ancre dans la baie protégée. Il était déjà un village fortifié et une base de la marine dans les premiers documents datant du XIe siècle. Aujourd'hui, vous trouvez encore des traces des défenses militaires construites par les Génois au XIIIe siècle, des vieux murs, des remparts et une tour de garde.
Durée: 1 heure
- Un guide amusant et professionnel qui est là pour vous guider tout au long de la journée
- Transport en autocar entre Florence et les Cinque Terre ainsi que tous les autres transports de la journée
- Billets d'entrée au parc national des Cinque Terre
- Promenade en bateau sur la Riviera (si le temps le permet)
- Il est temps d'explorer les villages des Cinque Terre à pied
Non inclus
- Repas et boissons, sauf mention contraire
- Pourboires (facultatifs)
Autres informations
- Vous recevrez la confirmation lors de la réservation.
- Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de façon appropriée.
- Des chaussures de marche adaptées sont nécessaires - pas de tongs. Suggestions: chaussures de marche ou de sport, chaussures à bout fermé avec semelles antidérapantes.
- Si vous voulez nager pendant votre temps libre, pensez à apporter votre propre serviette et votre maillot de bain.
- En de rares occasions, le bateau cessera de fonctionner en raison du mauvais temps ou des vents forts. Il est hors de notre contrôle, aucun remboursement ni réduction ne sera émis.
- En cas de fermeture inattendue des chemins pour des événements imprévus, des itinéraires alternatifs seront pris à la place.
- Une grande quantité de marche est impliquée. Vous devez être en bonne forme physique et pouvoir suivre le reste du groupe.
- En raison de surfaces inégales, ce circuit n'est pas recommandé aux personnes ayant des difficultés à marcher, à une forme physique inférieure à la moyenne ou aux jeunes enfants.
- L'âge minimum est de 12 ans.
- Non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite
- Transports publics proches
- Déconseillé aux voyageurs avec des problèmes de dos
- Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
- Aucun problème cardiaque ou autre problème médical sérieux
- La plupart des voyageurs peuvent participer
- En raison de la nature de la randonnée, nous ne pouvons accepter de jeunes enfants ni des personnes ayant des difficultés à marcher.
- Ce circuit/cette activité accepte 25 voyageurs maximum
Cette expérience fait partie de ces collections
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It was overall very good but a bit overwhelming to do the 5 places in one day... We basically spent between 30 minutes to an hour per place except for Coniglia which we did the hike and had lunch. I would of rather done 3 and have more time to maybe go for a swim (which they should recommend us to bring our swimming gear) than feeling rushed just to say that you did all 5. Both of the guides Gabrielle and Martina were super nice. The big group of 50 was split in 2 which was great.
We had a wonderful day on the Cinque Terre tour from Walkabout Tours. Our guide, Gabriel, was very good. We were given the option of taking the train between the villages if we didn’t want to hike and the option of eating together as a group for lunch. We decided to eat with the group and it was delicious. The hike was challenging and rewarding, the views were amazing. We enjoy it very much!
Alessandro was a truly amazing tour guide. Even with a bit of rain he gave us great insight and kept things very enjoyable. He kept it fun and we were still able to do hikes in each village. We hiked through and learned about life in each of the 5 villages. The scenery and views were fantastic. While we didn’t have a lot of time in each town to explore, we chose the additional hikes and thought the overall day moved at a great pace. We had a total of 10 days in Italy and had several tours- this was absolutely one of our favorites and we highly recommend.
Highly recomend. The views, the guides, the program all great. It will be a long and hectic day but well worth it.
Guides Cris and Alexandra were excellent, managing to keep a large group together til the end despite the crowds, and full of information the entire 13 hour day. The hike between villages 3 and 4 was challenging but great views and fine with proper footwear and clothes. I wouldn't like to do it if wet, and the many hikers going each way make walking and climbing at your own pace difficult due to overtaking/passing oncoming people. Note that you should take plenty of cash as most places dont accept cards for purchases less that 20Euro. However, you need to know it's a 2 hour coach drive each way from Florence, and the 5 towns are incredibly crowded (early September). This means that even a 40 minute stop in one village is not enough time for a coffee or drink as the bars/restaurants are busy, and some were shut. In fact, even with over an hour we were rushed once we found a table at an open bar. The train is also incredibly crowded, hence my amazement that no one got lost! Despite it being a beautiful day, the boat trip was not available so I think the tour company should not offer this at all. I cannot believe it runs more than 10% of the time if it couldn't go on the day we had. I live on a small island with ferries so know what i'm talking about. Overall, the day was a disappointment and we wished we'd chosen another tour.
We loved our experience, disclaimer- it was a hard trek and a few in our group decided against the hike up. Stunningly beautiful once in a lifetime day. The bar at the top was delicious and a real treat. Not for kids.
Shout out to Sara and Olivia! This wasn’t an easy tour to organize but they did a hell of a job! And we’re not very “group tour” people.But if you only have one day to visit Cinque Terre, this is the tour to book. Very flexible with the itinerary and you have the freedom to customize your experience and pace to your liking. Great job ladies!
Steffano was an amazing guide. He even told us the history and significance of the pass-trough towns. The hiking was intense but incredibly beautiful. We got a glimpse of 4 villages and the boat trip was so relaxing. Will recommend for sure this picturesque and informative trip.
Cinque Terre is definitely worth the trip. It's a must see if you have a spare day. The tour was good and it was nice to have everything settled for you and not have to think about it. However, you could probably manage this trip on your own. Once inside the park its just one train line that goes up and down the towns, and if you really want to do the hike it's easy to find the single lane that cuts across. The tour is good but like others said, it was a little rushed at some spots - I didn't need to know 30 minutes of the history of the place, I just wanted to enjoy it for what it is now.
There were a lot of moving parts to this: trains, busses, ferries, and walking and it all went off without a hitch. Wear good shoes and bring a water bottle as well as a camera.
We spend the day hiking through all 5 towns of Cinque Terre. Fantastic way to explore, discover and appreciate the beauty of Cinque Terre. Be prepared to hike a lot and climb/descend many steps (my fitbit registered 20,000+ steps!). Our tour guides (Alessandro and Alejandra) were knowledgeable, organized and accomodating throughout the entire day. The pace was just right and reassured the group that if you needed a break or wanted to opt out of certain stages of the tour, we certainly could. We had a nice light but tasty lunch at Cecio Restaurante in Corniglia which is perfect amount in the middle of our long hike (not too heavy!). If you are in decent shape and are prepared for a lot of exercise, this is definitely the tour to do!
Really enjoyed this tour. Yes, it is long, but it's great you can see all 5 towns in one day. What stood out was how flexible this tour was - for those who got to cinque Terre and realized they didnt want to hike, the guides gave them other options. Also, I was relieved that we could hike at our own pace and meet back up at a specific time versus having to hike as a group. The guides were super knowledgable and kind, and they made the day super enjoyable. Come with energy and itll be fantastic!
I can't say enough great things about Walkabout (the tour company that does this particular tour) we choose two tours on Viator that were the highest rated and they both happened to be with Walkabout for good reason bc they are the best (really). We rode in a fancy air conditioned bus to Cinque Terre while our tour guide taught us about the regions we passed through (amazingly knowledgeable). Sarah and Dario were great. They are very educated, warm, friendly, fun, and helpful. I can't say enough great things about this tour. It was breathtakingly beautiful and our tour guides were amazing. I will only book with Walkabout when I return to the Florence area. Loved it!
Dario and Chris were awesome guides! They were both very funny and informative and we loved this tour. We felt that time on some of the islands was a little short (40-50 min), but overall it was a great experience and value. Definitely recommend!
This trip was great. It's worth your money. Our guide Alessendra was great. You get to see other side of Italy.
If you like hiking then it will be an interesting experience. The boat was not running due to weather and they told us that some of the hiking trails were closed as well. Still our guide Alberto was great and offered some alternate hiking options.
The whole day was planned out perfectly. It was very hot, but the guides had us prepared for everything with guidelines on water locations and periodic breaks. Comfortable shoes, which the site requires, as critically important. Absolutely worth the effort, and sweat, to hike to the top.
Nice hike and beautiful views! The only thing was.. my girlfriend was a bit to distracted by the tour guide Chriss she thinks his accent and looks made here fall in love..
We loved our day in Cinque Terre!! It was well organised. The trains between the villages are great! My husband completed the 2- hour hike, but I made a decision to ride the train again, which was a perfect option in the 30+ degree heat!!! The guides were flexible and fun - we enjoyed having our own time in each of the five villages - it was amazing!!!
We had an awesome day visiting Cinque Terre - Alberto was the best tour guide! It was a tiring, long day, but so worth it for the beauty and the ability to experience all of Cinque Terre.
I went with my mom and sister. At first, we were worried about the hike and was about to cancel and try something easier. But after seeing so many amazing reviews, we decided to give this tour a try. We do not regret this decision at all. We were able to find the meeting point at the train station easily. We promptly got on the bus and was introduced to two tour guides: Chris and Dario. Both were excellent. Very informative on the way there, and they told us exactly what we would be doing that day, where we’re going, as well as some fascinating information on the towns we passed while on the coach. As someone who once got lost on a tour, this is very informative information to know beforehand. Once we got there, we split into two groups. I went with Dario. Lunch is not included, but for 15 euros per person, you could join Chris and Dario for an amazing lunch of the local specialities. We chose to do the lunch and thought it was a good lunch. After lunch, we started the hike. After expressing our concerns, Dario was able to tell me what to expect for the hike and offered alternatives in case I couldn’t do it. I ended up doing the hike and it was actually a lot easier than I expected. Dario was always somewhere nearby. The hike takes 1 hour if you’re fast enough, 2 hours if you are slow. Average is 1.5 hours. I am considered a slow hiker so fully expected to do the full 2 hours. Dario waited for us at the halfway point and even thought to inform is what we should do should we miss the group for the train ride. We didn’t miss the train ride but it was amazing that he ensured that we knew what was going on. Chris was well prepared for any emergencies. I cut my finger on a tree prick and he had bandaids for me to use. I was also super seasick during the boat ride and he was able to give me some seasickness medication. I highly recommend this tour.
Enjoy a long but wonderful day of exploring Cinque Terre. This was perfect for me as a day trip out of Florence. Others might prefer more time to enjoy an evening meal and overnight visit than this tour provides. Amazing park consisting of several towns separated by open land. Access to towns via train and by foot. Somewhat challenging trail due to hot day, but worth the effort. Options given along the way to take train between towns or hike. I floated in sea for awhile at end of hot day after hiking. Definitely slept well that night.
Loved this guided tour! A highlight of our trip! Cinque Terre is beautiful. The kids loved it. Our kids ages range 11-14. . Lemon Slushes, gelato and swimming was a good incentive to keep them going. The towns are so beautiful even are kids were taken back by its beauty. The boat ride back was a great way to see what they had accomplished. Tour guides spoke great English and were very helpful and accommodating.
The excursion was strenuous but amazing. Very demanding hike and 90+ degree weather made it more challenging but Duna and Alberto were fabulous tour guides - they gave the history clearly for all to understand and took us to 5 breath taking towns with unbelievable scenery! They were very efficient and organized! It was worth the sweat! (bring a suit to cool off!) Wish we had more time in each town but now we know where we want to revisit!
This was my FAVORITE day trip and I’m so happy I did it! It was well organized. Our guides (I think their names were Gabriel and Danielo) were funny and knowledgeable about the history of each sight we went to. There was a lot of free time and the guides provided options for the activities. The hike was intense (over 90 degree outside and steep hills) but the views were worth it! I would do this again.
What a well organized day trip. Both of our guides Alexandro and Chris were fantastic tour guide and make our12 hour long trip feels like 8 hrs.
Both Duna and Alberto did excellent job. Gave options to choose not to do hike. Description of hike optimistic, after discussion with experienced US and Australian hikers the rating of hiking where 30 cm plus rock steps are involved should not be rated as medium. Glad I did the hike but for less than experience hikers be aware that this is not easy. Starts with 397 ( properly constructed) steps from railway station to starting point. Then goes for 2 to 2.5 Km of rock steps. sort of level, rock steps , sort of level, rock steps to the centre point. Then uneven rock steps down to the finishing town. Great views but not for the less than fit or geriatrics ( which I am). Cinque Terra is worth visiting even if you don't hike but know that to go two houses generally requires asending or descending steps. It is built on the side of cliffs!
Firstly, the hike is doable. As long as you’re moderately fit and totally mobile, you wouldn’t have too much trouble finishing it. Just take note that along the hike there will be many stairs and very very rocky and steep climbs and descends. You just have to be very careful. At some parts of the trail there are no railings, so that means it can be slightly dangerous. The good thing about this hike is getting to see another town from high up as you approach it. If the weather is good, you can expect a visual treat at the end of the hike. The guide, Cristian, was absolutely insightful and helpful. Definitely the bus guide we’ve had thus far. Well worth the money I’d say. Everything was smooth and he did the all the worrying for us. Highly recommended to book this, and hopefully get Cris as your guide.
Such a brilliant day with Steffano and Sara. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge about the area!
Actually i can’t find a suitable words to describe how amazing was this day, everything was well organized and the guides was amazing, Chrestian and gabriali is a great me, they made the day perfect and of course the driver josepy, highly recommended trip but you to be well prepared and in a good shape, too much walking in this day but you will love it Thank you walkout and thanks chris and gabiali
Admittedly the hike itself was pretty brutal due to 97 degree heat. It is truly a hiking tour (up/down) not a walking one. Sara (we had Sara) and Olivia were awesome guides and I highly recommend either of them with any tour they do for Walkabout Florence.
This was a wonderful adventure! Our tour guide Olivia was so nice, informative, fun, and helpful! This tour was a great way to explore 5 of the villages of Cinque Terre- the hike was pretty easy, although some areas the path is pretty tight and I can see how it would be a little tricky if the weather wasn't cooperate. Our group had around 25 people and noticed that some of the older couples seemed to be struggling a bit towards the end-but Olivia made sure there were good stopping points where we would gather around and get some interesting information about the village we were in. Additionally, Olivia was a wonderful photographer and was so happy to take some wonderful picture of me and my husband! All and all, very highly recommended- def remember to pack some comfy walking shoes and yoga pants-this is not a walk in the park! Also, we skipped the suggested lunch- picked up some sandwiches and beers at a little cafe and had our lunch on a beautiful beach pier! We were left with enough time after to do a little shopping and get a gelato as well! We also picked up a bottle of the local wine for the bus ride home, which was a very good decision :)
My family and I (3 adults) booked a trip to Cinque Terre on Mon 6th with Walkabout Tour. We were greatly impressed with the excellent service, guidance and immaculate assistance rendered by our guides Alberto and Gloria. They Ensure everyone of us are comfortable with the pace and able to cope with the terrains. They related and offered many great advices to all of us to better understand and enjoyed our hike, even going out of their way to Ensure that we are able to ask questions relating to recommendations to dining places and other excursion activities. With their excellent services and our great experience, I will definitely strongly recommend my friends to select Walkabout Tours for any hiking and activities!
Great day visiting Cinque Terre - thoughtfully planned by Walkabout Florence with wonderful tour guide Stefano. Stefano showed great passion for the sites and shared interesting and unique facts as we traveled through Cinque Terre and made such great jokes! Great day!
The hike was a bit precarious with many loose rocks but it was amazing! Our family had a great time and All Walkabout employees were great. Chris was exceptional and gave us valuable recommendations on the trail and also for further Florence reference such as O'Munacielo in the Oltrarno area, the best meal we had in Florence! Thank you, Chris, and Walkabout!
Excellent trip that met all expectations and more. The organisation was fantastic throughout the whole day and the hike and visits to the villages spot on. A must for anyone wanting a full days value and up for a decent walk
We went me and my wife for this trip, and our tour guides were Chris and Cris and they were awesome!! Very friendly, talkative and energetic. The view was awesome and the hiking was very nice average 1 hour and half, if you scare of hight you might be a little nervous but trust me it worths every second. There is one city that we had the lunch at as per the recommendations of our tour guides (15€) each and it was nice. I recommend this trip :)
A wonderful bright sunny day at Cinque Terre. As I learned, if it is not the busy summer months, a must way to see the area, and that is doing the walking hike at its beginning. Our guide, Alessandro, was simply in a word, wonderful. A young man that loves history, history and art was his concentration during his schooling years. This young man spoke five languages, had a great sense of humor, communicated so well, and was so knowledgeable about history, the history of Italy, and all parts of the world actually. Loved his insights about World War II, specifically about La Spezia, and it being a naval stronghold. His insights and knowledge just made the trip even more enriching. Meeting the group was perfect, on time in Florence, the bus ride enjoyable through La Spezia ending at our beginning point, Volastra. From Volastra we walked high on the hills above the coast, among the steep vineyards and olive trees, with periodic stops to hear Alessandro's insights. It was almost a 3 mile trek to Corniglia. Nothing too difficult physically the trek down the hill to Corniglia was great, a down hill stretch for sure, but for someone who likes outdoors and physical activity, it was great, and all in our group made it no problems at all. Alessandro had a pre arranged lunch set for those that wanted to join him and a great restaurant with great views of the water, where we had a two course meal, second to none, great seafood caught right off the coast, great pesto pasta. The way to see the area is the view you get from these higher trail perches. From there, the train to Vernazza, then to Monterossa al Mare, back to Manarolo (would have taken a boat to Manarolo, but currents were not right that day). All the time, Alessandro keeping us on time, always keeping track of all 29 in the group that day, all the while providing great historical background. The trip itself was tremendous, those fortunate to get Alessandro for a guide, it would be a triple bonus. We arrived safely back to Florence, on time that evening.
This tour was worth every minute and was absolutely amazing! It was nice to have the day planned for us and we didn't need to think about a thing. Our tour guide, Chris, deserves a special shout out as he made our trip extra special with his running commentary! We were forewarned that it might be a cold and/or rainy day in December, but the weather ended up being sunny and in the 60s. PERFECT weather for a hike! What is CRITICAL for this rour is really comfy hiking shoes. I think I did 22,000 steps that day!
Finding group at train station was easy.Drive was over 2 hours, vehicle was very small, could not put seats back.We only did one hike between two of the five villages, it was in the morning when we arrived. It had beautiful views and was good exercise. The path was a bit sketchy in a few parts (had to crawl under chicken wire) and would only allow single-file. If you got stuck behind a slow person, you are unable to get by. The guide didn't really wait for some to catch up and seemed a bit impatient. This made for anxious moments trying to follow him once in the city of La Spezia through busy intersections and crowded streets. The rest of the day we took trains and then did 10 min walks through the towns. He had nothing to show us. He just raced through the main street and then back again to the train station. Since the towns are more or less the same, I would have preferred to skip a couple towns and have an hour free time to wander.I wouldn't recommend Antonio as a guide, and I wouldn't do the hike in December, nothing in the towns is open but even if there was there is no time.Even though he gives an option for the $15 lunch, there is no other option, so you must go. The lunch was not good and the restaurant rushed us like cattle. But the view from the restaurant is nice. I should have eaten at the cafe next door.Cinque Terre is a lovely area but not in Dec, it's just grey. I would do the hike in spring or fall and would plan myself.
Great tour, would do it again! Our tour guides Gloria and La Vina were excellent guides, they were very knowledgeable and funny. The first town of Riomaggiore was crowded and only briefly visited, I would recommend skipping Riomaggiore and going directly to Corniglia to give more time to enjoy lunch before hiking. Moderate hiking, make sure your able to easily hike 10miles before doing this tour.