Visite en soirée de la vieille ville d'Édimbourg comprenant les voûtes souterraines de Blair Street et whisky au Megget's Cellar
Partez à la découverte des ruelles d'Édimbourg à la tombée de la nuit lors de cette excursion de 2 heures. Écoutez les sons qui emplissent l'atmosphère. Percevez les cris et les moqueries de milliers de personnes. Frissonnez en apprenant que la foule réclamait le sang de deux hommes arrachés de leurs cellules et lynchés à la perche d'un teinturier. Vous entendrez des récits lugubres de sorcellerie, de tortures et d'esprits agités. Suivez la trace de l'émeute d'Edinburgh qui a explosé devant le Mercat Cross. Pénétrez dans les voûtes souterraines hantées de Blair Street. Suivez le guide paré d'une cape dans les cavernes mal éclairées du Megget's. Réchauffez-vous avec un verre de vin ou de whisky écossais à la lueur des bougies lors d'une soirée remplie de récits.
- Droits d'entrée
- Guide professionnel
- Boissons
- Transport depuis et vers les attractions
- Vous recevrez la confirmation au moment de la réservation
- Les enfants doivent être accompagnés par un adulte
- Activité modérée de marche à pied
- Les enfants doivent être âgés d'au moins 5 ans

We were very entertained by Alex’s re-enactments and stories of Edinburgh in the past! A great evening out for those who appreciate a good story!
This tour was awesome!! It had a little bit of everything. History, stories and of course, whisky! Ana was a wonderful guide and she really brought the ghost stories to life.
Tour was so good! Lots of histry facts and interaction with crowd we love it ! We could laugh and get thrilled a wee bit! But seen undergrand and listen about the watcher and other legend and stories from HES who was amazing!! She keep us entertament all the time!! We didn't know where 2h gone! Finish trip with wee pint of beer and dram of Whisky ! Highly recomend
Edgar was very entertaining and made it interesting. He gave us a lot of background on what happened in those tunnels and really helped set the mood so you could imagine what it was like.
Wonderful evening with colorful descriptive tales of Edinburgh’s eerie past ! More entertaining than “spooky” but a very fun evening Ruth reminded us of our granddaughter so she was extra endearing to us
Excellent! Garret is a fantastic storyteller! I feel fortunate to have had him as the guide. It was a wonderful surprise to spend a relaxing dram of whisky in Megget's and listen to more captivating ghost stories.
Wonderful experience in Edinburgh! The tour guide was entertaining, and the tour was great fun!
The guide was funny! She did gave me a few scares tho. I saw many reviews on how small the vaults are but it isnt at all. I find them pretty spacious. The ghost stories might make you feel uneasy though if you are travelling alone.
The stories could have been more interesting. But the tour guide was very good and the scenery was a lot of fun.
Stephanie is the best guide! These tours can typically be pretty campy and cheesy which is why I kinda love them, but Stephanie did a fantastic job of cheekiness, horror, and drama. Totally recommend!