Excursion de 2 jours à Pétra, au Wadi Rum, à la mer Rouge et à la Mer Morte au départ d'Amman
1er jour : Amman - Pétra : 3 heures de trajet en voiture depuis Amman
Partez vers le sud en direction de la cité nabatéenne rose-rouge de Pétra, qui est considérée comme l'une des merveilles du monde. Située à 225 kilomètres d'Amman, cette ville a été sculptée dans la pierre il y a plus de 2 000 ans pour dominer les routes commerciales de l'Arabie antique. Visitez ses villes, barrages, et canaux d'eau, et profitez d'une promenade le long de l'étroit Siq, un sentier se trouvant à l'entrée principale de la ville. La première chose que vous verrez est la Khazneh, qui aurait contenu d'innombrables trésors. Vous verrez également d'autres monuments tels que le monastère et l'autel du sacrifice. Dans l'après-midi, vous partirez en direction de Wadi Rum, appelée la vallée de la lune, où le film Lawrence d'Arabie a été filmé et plus récemment le Martian. Vous passerez la nuit dans un camp bédouin à l'intérieur de la réserve de Rum, où vous vivrez une expérience très unique dans un lieu calme et silencieux, tout en dînant selon la tradition bédouine et en vous lançant dans des activités en soirée (le camp est composé de tentes, équipées de lits, de couvertures, de toilettes, d'une salle à manger, tous les besoins basiques sont fournis par un système d'électricité solaire).
2e jour : Pétra - Wadi Rum, mer Rouge et mer Morte :
Après le petit-déjeuner, vous effectuerez une courte visite du Wadi Rum en Jeep 4x4. Wadi Rum est une énorme montagne aux formes uniques érigée au milieu sable rouge du désert. Ses immenses falaises abruptes affichent diverses couleurs : brunâtre, rougeâtre et autres couleurs dorées. Ensuite, vous partirez en direction du golfe d'Aqaba en mer Rouge, puis vous serez transféré vers la mer Morte qui s'élève à plus 1 300 pieds (400 m) au-dessous du niveau de la mer. La mer Morte est l'un des lieux les plus incroyables au monde. Elle est connue dans l'histoire biblique, notamment pour la destruction de Sodome et de Gomorrhe, ravagées par un incendie et les flemmes de l'enfer. Comme l'indique son nom, aucun poisson ne vit dans la mer Morte. C'est de loin l'un des sites de Jordanie les plus impressionnants et spectaculaires à visiter. Ses eaux calmes et scintillantes, reflétant le soleil brillant au-dessus, sont connues pour leur concentration en sels et en minéraux, ce qui en fait un bain thérapeutique ainsi qu'une baignade unique à ne pas manquer. Profitez d'un peu de temps libre pour nager avant de retourner à votre hôtel d'Amman.
Remarque : l'hébergement à Rum peut être substitué par un lodge (Bait Ali) au lieu du camp bédouin pendant l'hiver et en fonction des conditions météorologiques (possibilité de choisir un chalet chauffé moyennant un supplément).
NB : les prix d'entrée et les guides ne sont PAS inclus.
- Hébergement dans un campement bédouin à l'intérieur de la zone protégée du Wadi Rum avec dîner et petit-déjeuner
- Visite de 2 heures en 4x4 pour explorer le meilleur du Wadi Rum
- Chauffeur anglophone
- Service de transfert depuis et vers l'hôtel
- Transport en véhicule moderne climatisé
- C'est une excursion en petit groupe, les voyageurs en solo bénéficiant d'une réduction de 20 % si d'autres personnes participent à leur excursion.
- Vous pouvez effectuer cette visite comme une visite privée et personnaliser les transferts aller/retour et les lieux, en fonction de vos besoins moyennant un supplément de 20 %.
- Prix d'entrée au site.
- Guides
- Pourboires (vivement conseillés)
- Prix d'entrée - Pétra : 70 USD, Wadi Rum : 7 USD, plage de la mer Morte 30 USD.
- Vous recevrez la confirmation au moment de la réservation
- Opère quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques. Veuillez porter des vêtements appropriés
- C'est une excursion en petit groupe d'un maximum de 7 voyageurs. Les voyageurs en solo bénéficient d'une réduction de 20 % si d'autres personnes participent à l'excursion.
- Remarque : l'hébergement à Rum peut être substitué par un lodge (Bait Ali) au lieu du camp bédouin pendant l'hiver, et en fonction des conditions météorologiques (possibilité de choisir un chalet chauffé moyennant un supplément).

I was a single traveler and went for this excursion based strictly on reviews. The tour was well organised. I was picked up by Jaffar, an experienced tour guide. In total we were 5 passengers. We went to Petra and spent there enough time to visit most important sites. The same day we moved to Wadi Rum just in time to see a sunset. The camp at Wadi Rum had electricity, showers and the room was spacious and comfortable, We had an excellent dinner. In the morning we had a breakfast and Jeep safari visiting interesting places of the desert. Afterwards we went to the dead sea resort to just get a glimpse of the seaside resort. Near the border of Egypt and Palestine. Dead Sea was our last stop, at a hotel beach. we paid 20 JD to enter with a set of swimming pools and mud treatment included. In the late afternoon Jaffar took us back to our hotel. Throughout the tour Jaffar was explaining and showing us sites. We had water provided for us and Jaffar kept on getting us also fruits, ice creams and kebabs which is not included in the price. To sumarise, perfect tour with a perfect tour guide. Thanks Jaffar
This tour, specifically with our driver Jafar, was an absolute highlight of my time in Jordan. The trip was well-paced, informative, fun, and an overall unforgettable experience. I would give it 6 stars if possible!
The tour guide was punctual, arriving at 7am to our hotel lobby. We started off with a 4 hr ride to Petra where we got to spend 4 hrs at the site on our own. The driver walked us in and helped us get situated with a horse/carriage for my elderly parents. We arranged to meet at a certain time at the car. Again, the driver was punctual. We drove to Wadi Rum and arrived after sunset. We stayed at Night Luxury Camp at Luxury tent with AC and private Bathroom ( one Double tent for each two persons) because we paid the $75 extra for the upgrade to have a heated tent. Totally worth it since it was COLD. The night sky at Wadi Rum was breathtaking. There were supposedly activities at the camp (bon fire, etc) but we were so exhausted from the day so we opted out after the buffet dinner. We did wake up early to watch the stars at 4am and the sunrise (it was a little cloudy so we missed it - womp womp). The tour guide picked us up after our buffet breakfast and dove us to 3 sites. He was a prior military service man so he taught us desert survival skills as we went through the Wadi. Super cool. We then took off for the dead sea and spend a couple of hours there. Pros: super nice guide who is knowledgeable about the desert and the country. Very patient and very willing to answer questions.Cons: we booked a private car for 4 passengers. The small SUV really only fit 3 comfortably, not 4. We were a bit crammed. The tour company is super nice so Im sure if you sort that detail out ahead of time, they will figure it out so that you are comfortable.
We had a wonderful visit! Had to adjust our itinerary due to the tragic events in Black Thursday. Regardless our driver and yours were fantastic!
Its a must do trip if yo have short time in Jordan. You can almost see the whole country. Our guide Jafar was a very nice n well informed man. He took good care of us. The car was very comfortable. The night stay in WAdi rum was just amazing. The dinner we had there was very nice. All in all a perfect tour.
Amazing 2-days tour through Jordan thanks to our tour-guide! It is really not possible to say enough about Mustafa. 10/10 for our driver-tour leader-guide! He is a wealth of knowledge, great personality, full of educational information, great company and very competent. His experience and service definitely exceeds expectations. He has an incredible knowledge of all aspects of Jordan’s history and much more than that. He never gets tired of answering all kind of questions you may want to ask him about whatever. We never stopped asking questions about everything during the whole tour and he was always happy to respond and finally give a more than a complete view of things. Very well informed, helpful, entertaining, respectful, engaging. An outstanding experience driving through Jordan with Mustafa and visiting all those amazing sites and natural paradises with a person he knows so much. Excellent organizer, he knows exactly where to take you, what to show you, when, how and why. It was just a 2 days tour and in the end I definitely felt I ve seen and learned so much. 100% recommendable! Thank you for everything, an unforgettable experience! Well done!
I totally enjoyed the excursion with our guide Mohammad and was able to see a number of really interesting sights I would be unable to see on my own. The tour included a trip to Petra as well as the Dead Sea and the Red Sea but my No. 1 favourite activity was definitely the night spent at Wadi Rum which was exceptionally beautiful. Mohammad was exceptionally knowledgeable and took a lot of time to answer many of our questions and making the trip absolutely wonderful to us. I would recommend this tour to anyone interested in the great country.
Mustafa went the extra mile to ensure that you have a memorable experience. He often consulted the group regarding options with realistic timings. Honest and delivered to his word.
This is one of the best trips I have ever been on..and I have traveled much of the world. : Mustafa is a great guide and if you only have a short period of time a must to work with him. Petra is amazing and everything you could imagine. Wadi Rum is a wonderful surprise and the icing on the cake. Nothing quite like looking up at the desert sky to see the entire galaxy.
Great way to see as much as possible in a short time frame. Everything was well organised and our guide Quataibah very friendly and accomodating. The Bedouin stay was a definite highlight! Would definitely recommend this trip!